Fraternity recruitment concludes

Sarah Stukenborg

Formal fraternity recruitment came to a loud conclusion on Friday when the 14 participating fraternities gathered in the courtyard outside of Downing University Center.

The fraternity recruitment process began Aug. 27, ending with the bid day ceremony outside of DUC.


New pledges rushed out from DUC to be greeted by their new “brothers” gathered in the courtyard. Not even the rain could wash the excitement from the air.

Landon Turner, a freshman and new member of Sigma Chi, showed his excitement at being recruited into the fraternity.

“I really like all the people — it’s been a lot of fun,” Turner said.

Alissa Mansfield, Greek Affairs Coordinator, said 249 men registered for recruitment this year, up almost 100 from the number of participants last year.

Some of the fraternities, such as Pike, caravanned to campus. The men sat in backs of trucks waving their chapter flags and cheering.

The different fraternities wore matching T-shirts with quotes such as “Doing it the American way” and “Love, Honor, Truth” displayed across their backs.

Tyler Shaw, a junior and a member of Sigma Nu, walked around with a snake perched atop his shoulders.


“Her name is Sammy, and she’s kind of like our mascot,” Shaw said.

Although not the official mascot of Sigma Nu, Sammy made quite the scene.

The fraternities hosted events such as cookouts in order to get to know the potential new members and decide whether or not they were a good fit for their fraternity.

Grant Snowden, a junior and member of Delta Tau Delta, said he enjoyed recruitment week.

“My favorite part was getting to meet all the new guys,” Snowden said.