SGA approves new goal committee

Quiche Matchen

Tuesday night’s Student Government Association meeting focused on their first read of a bill and two unanimous votes.

SGA’s study away scholarships bill was first read Tuesday.


SGA is looking at distributing $800 from general senate funding to create eight $100 Study Away scholarships to WKU students.

Next Tuesday, SGA will vote on the Study Away scholarships bill.

SGA also voted on the executive action for the establishment of a special long-term goals committee.

The committee would consist of at least eight members and a group of students not involved in SGA appointed by the SGA President Cory Dodds.

Dodds said the special committee will set goals that SGA can agree with that should be addressed.

“I feel like there are some goals that we can all agree with that SGA should be addressing,” Dodds said. “I believe that this long term goals committee could draw a successful set of goals that we can focus on for the next few years.”

Dodds said that he looks forward to see the ideas the committees come up with.


“I’m looking forward to what the Senate is going to do this year,” Dodds said.

SGA also voted to approve the election codes.

The SGA election codes for the Fall 2012 Senate election are the procedures and guidelines that SGA and the candidates have to fulfill.

Elections are to be held Sept. 19-20 on TopNet. Results will be released in the SGA Office Sept. 21 at 12:01 a.m.

Senators unanimously approved the establishment of the special long term goals committee and the election code.