Crime reports for Friday, Sept. 14

Cameron Koch

View WKU Campus Crime in a larger map


Editor’s Note: This is the new WKU Campus Crime Map. Twice a week the map will be updated with the crime reports of the weekThe key for the crime map is as follows:

Red-Criminal Mischief, Blue-Theft, Yellow-Arrest, Green-Citation, Pink-Assault


•Freshman Matthew Elliot Stewart, McCormack Hall, reported on Sept. 10 reported his iPhone stolen from his gym bag while swimming in the Preston Center pool. The value of the stolen item is estimated at $259.

•  Graduate student Shawn Smiley, Bowling Green, reported on Sept. 10 the loss of his WKU-issued key.

•  Psychology professor Sharon Mutter reported on Sept. 11 the theft of her iPhone from Gary A. Ransdell Hall. The value of the stolen item is estimated at $300.

• Officers responded to a possible explosion in the Pearce Ford Tower courtyard on Sept. 11. Evidence was located and a suspect identified.


• Former student Nathaniel Davis reported on Sept. 12 the theft of his bicycle from Barnes Campbell Hall in October 2011. The value of the stolen property is estimated at $1,000.