SGA meets for first time in new home

Quiche Matchen

SGA met for the first time this school year and, for the first time, in their new location.  

Due to the DUC renovations, SGA has relocated to Cravens Library.


At the meeting SGA president Cory Dodds introduced the new accountability tab on the SGA website. The accountability tab includes the budget for the 2012-2013 fiscal year, the Senate Legislation Archive, Senate/Committee Attendance, Senate Committee Reports, Executive Cabinet Minutes and Judicial Council Opinions. 

“This information was opened to public records before we just stream lined that process,” Dodds said of the time.

Dodds said that by putting this information on the website it’s easier for the student body to access.

Also at the meeting, Dodds spoke about the new version the safe ride program. The safe ride program’s official name is the Purple Line, which started last Thursday. Dodds said the purple line will travel all across campus, Bowling Green and to off campus apartments. 

“Over the summer we had left over money that we had and one choice we had was to create a partnership with athletics,” Dodds said. “That would allow us to promote the safe ride program.”

Next week SGA will discuss a resolution to oppose proposed changes to semester based academic calendar and tuition assessment systems.