COLUMN: Why I still won’t eat Chick-Fil-A

Lindsay Kriz

When I first heard about the Chick-Fil-A controversy some months ago, I jumped right on it. A company that won’t support LGBT rights? They’re not getting my business!

For a while, I was able to maintain my strike against the food corporation, especially on Sundays. (Get it?)

But as pasta from Bene got dull and soupy, and as my craving for Izzi’s tacos decreased and my love of salads from Greens to Go never increased, I was faced with the option of giving up my strike in search of good chicken.

I finally gave in, going through the line with a twinge of guilt as I picked up some waffle fries. I still didn’t eat there that much anyway, so it wasn’t that big of a sacrifice for me, and it’s not like my presence or lack-there-of made much of a difference to the company.

So I ate there once, my strike over, and only returning once or twice when I was desperate.

Then Dan Cathy happened.

Last week, The Los Angeles Times reported Cathy, the president of the company, was “guilty as charged” for supporting the traditional marriage mentioned in the Bible between a man and a woman.

He then went on to say, “We don’t claim to be a Christian business…But as an organization we can operate on biblical principles.”

Um…am I wrong in assuming that makes you a Christian business?

You are closed on Sunday, you don’t support marriage if it is not traditional according to the Bible, have been accused of donating $3 million between 2003 and 2009 to anti-gay Christian groups according to Equality Matters, and you’re not a Christian organization?

Let’s get down to the nitty gritty here: you can have your opinions and believe what you want. You can believe that marriage is between a man and a woman, or you can believe it’s for anyone. I can only attempt to influence your opinion.

What gets me is when people go out of their way to oppress another group of people with their opinions. It’s when they become militaristic with their oppressive beliefs.

This company is accused of giving money to anti-gay groups. They’ve been accused of firing employees because of their orientation. Now Chick-Fil-A has done so much as to lie about the reason they took away Muppets Toys (Muppets are fighting homophobia and Chick-Fil-A, Chick-Fil-A said it was because of a “safety issue”). A fake Facebook account most likely created by the company said on Chick-Fil-A’s Facebook page that the toys were recalled weeks ago, when in fact it was only last week, around the same time the Muppets Company criticized the fast food establishment.

If you are going to fight back against those that fight against you, at least be honest about it. Lying is a sin, don’t you know?

Basically, Dan Cathy can believe what he wants, and I can’t change that.  But I can change how I react to his bigoted beliefs. I don’t want to eat anti-gay, politicized chicken. I don’t know what Wendy’s or McDonald’s beliefs are, and that’s how it should be. I’m buying your food, not your political and religious beliefs. And that’s how it should remain.

So no, my boycott might not make much of a difference at this point. But if enough people boycott against the company, what a difference that can make. Chick-Fil-A is already in water hotter than the grease in its boilers, and I’m OK with that.

Because, in the end, Chick-Fil-A is rich in money, but not rich in character, truth or common decency.

And to think, they ask if I want a pickle on my sandwich.

Editor’s Note — Lindsay Kriz will be a regularly contributing columnist for the Herald opinion page in the fall.