Golf classic to honor late WKU student Boling

Kayla Swanson

The Bowling Green community will have the opportunity to hit the green and come together to remember a former WKU student.

The Inaugural Bradley Boling Golf Classic will begin at 8 a.m. on April 21 at Crosswinds Golf Course.

The classic is named after Bradley Boling, a Bowling Green senior who passed away on Feb. 17.


Proceeds from the classic will go toward a scholarship fund in Boling’s name that was established by the College Heights Foundation, said Bowling Green junior Max Oldham, a fraternity brother of Boling’s and an organizer of the classic.

Other fundraisers have been held to fund the scholarship, including nights at Mariah’s and Buckhead Cafe, where 20 percent of all proceeds went to the scholarship fund. Donations are also being accepted.

Students who are Bowling Green natives will be eligible for the scholarship, Oldham said.

The scholarship amount is yet to be determined. Oldham said he hopes it will eventually become a full-ride scholarship.

Oldham also hopes those who participate in the classic will “have a good time and good fellowship with people from the university for a good cause.”

The other two organizers of the classic, Bowling Green senior Jordan Williams and Chicago senior Alise Hogan, also knew Boling.

Oldham, Williams and Hogan were in a senior seminar political science class with Boling. After they heard that Boling died, they decided  organizing the classic would be an opportunity to not only honor Boling but also be their project for the seminar class.

“We felt like we had an opportunity to really impact our local community,” Williams said.

Hogan also got her sorority, Alpha Omicron Pi, involved and hopes other Greek organizations will participate, especially because the classic occurs at the end of Greek Week.

“I think it’s a perfect way to end Greek Week as a unit,” she said.  

Hogan is proud of the event and hopes all participants see the magnitude of it.

“I hope they recognize the cause and recognize that they’re part of something bigger,” she said.

In addition to the classic tournament, Tony Rhoades State Farm will host a smaller Putt-Putt tournament for those who don’t want to play in the main tournament.

There will also be awards for the top finishing teams and door prizes. Lunch will be provided.


Registration will last until April 18. The entry fee is $120 per four-golfer team.