Pro-life speaker discusses abortion at Hilltoppers for Life event


Campus-based pro-life group, Hilltoppers for Life, hosted a pro-life speaker Monday night to talk about the emotional side-effects of abortion.

Abortion counselor and advocate for the “Silent No More” pro-life campaign, Kelly Lang, spoke to a group of around 50 students and community members at 7:00 p.m. in the Downing University Center Auditorium. Lang had her own abortion nearly 30 years ago, and shared her experiences with attendees.


The event, which was largely publicized via sidewalk chalk announcements, gathered enough attention to warrant outsiders writing chalk responses. One, located on the steps in front of the Academic Complex, asked if the baby was gay, would a religious group keep it?

John Sohl, president of the student-led Hilltoppers for Life, said it took a while for him to get used to the attention, both negative and positive.

“We’re slowly getting bigger on campus,” he said. “We’re only going to grow. People are going to hate us more and more as we get more popular.”

Sohl said, given the “emotional nature” of the topic, the negative comments were ultimately expected.

“I just want people to see that we’re not bigots or ignorant,” Sohl said.

Lang’s presentation began with a video of women and men speaking at a “Silent No More” rally about their abortion experiences and how it impacted their lives.

She then went on to tell her own story of abortion, saying that she “remembers full details from pregnancy to leaving the clinic.”


“I didn’t know how to live with that gaping hole in my soul,” Lang said. “With the death of my baby came the death of my spirit.”

After entering a depression, despite a functioning marriage and two children, Lang came across Rachel’s Vineyard, a post-abortion counseling session for women and men impacted by abortion.

“Through Rachel’s Vineyard, I discovered that God is with us in our sorrow, despite our sorrow,” Lang said. “And we’re able to recognize God’s mercy is greater than our sin.”

A “cradle Catholic,” Lang stressed that Rachel’s Vineyard is nondenominational, and simply serves as a place to “release grief surrounding an abortion.”

A brief question and answer session followed Lang’s speech, including discussion as to whether or not the ability to provide for a child should be a reason for an abortion.

“Money’s not an option when it comes to an abortion,” Lang said. “There are tons of resources for supporting children.”

Freshman Anna Nuckols went to the presentation to gain a “new and different perspective” on a heated issue.

“I understood and empathized with the speaker, but I did not at all agree with her opinions,” Nuckols said. “While I think that advertising abortion as a form of birth control would be radical…I believe that a woman should have the social support in her decision to exercise her legal right to an abortion.”


Hilltoppers for Life’s next event, “Cemetery of Innocents,” will occur mid-April at the Colonnades to increase awareness of abortions in America.