Men’s basketball to serve pizza to students Saturday

Brad Stephens

WKU students can eat free pizza Saturday morning courtesy of the men’s basketball team.

Head Coach Ray Harper and his staff will serve pizza to the first 500 students that arrive to Diddle Arena Saturday for the Toppers’ 1 p.m. game against defending Sun Belt Conference champion Arkansas-Little Rock.


The student entrance will open at 11 a.m., and Harper and his staff will serve pizza in the Diddle Arena Hall of Champions while supplies last, according an athletic department flyer.

Meanwhile, all faculty and staff can receive a free reserved ticket to Saturday’s game.

In order to receive the ticket, faculty and staff must bring their WKU ID card to the Ticket Office located inside Diddle Arena, according to an athletic department email.

All tickets must be picked up prior to Friday.

Faculty and staff with any questions about the promotion are encouraged to contact Megan Micheli, Assistant Director of Marketing, at (270) 745-6048.