“WTF” lecture series focuses on unusual topics


There are many lectures given at WKU about society and wars. But of those, how many discuss the importance of cannibalism in society? Or the correlation between superheroes and wars?

Potter College of Arts and Letters, along with Housing and Residence Life, is bringing these and other intriguing issues to light with the upcoming “WTF?!” series.


“WTF?!” discussions seek to connect everyday life with bizarre happenings in academic research. Currently, there are 11 seminars planned, with topics including zombies, cannibalism, superheroes and stock car racing.

Jennifer Markin, coordinator for the Potter College Dean’s Office, helped develop the concept of “WTF?!”

“We were looking for ways to help connect students with faculty in a unique setting,” Markin said. “It was also created to show the fun side of academics, that (these subjects) are interesting and exciting.”

Potter College identified engaging faculty who had done intriguing research and not had adequate time to share their findings with students, Markin said. The topic choices were then left up to the faculty.

Kate Hudepohl, an associate professor in the folk studies and anthropology department, kicks off “WTF?!” with a seminar titled “If You Loved Me, You’d Let Me Eat Your Brains — How Cannibalism Saved the World.”

Not wanting “to give away the punch line” before her presentation, Hudepohl said she “hopes the discussion helps (students) understand the value of anthropological research” as well as “the practice of cannibalism and the relationship between culture and health.”

The discussions will take place on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, hence the series’ name. The series begins at 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 1, and all events will be held at McCormack Hall.
