COLUMN: Goodbye, Scribbled Words

Spencer Jenkins

Throughout the semester I’ve shared many of my own life experiences (some of which I’m not sure I should have put in print, but I did anyways). Whether I wrote about boozing and partying, Greek life or how the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina still plagues New Orleans, I hope I reached out to as many of my college peers as possible.

Yes, this is my last column of the semester because I’m stepping down as the opinion editor of the Herald to write the police beat on the news side of the paper. So be careful; if you’re arrested by WKUPD I’ll be writing your name up on page two!


Anyway, I hope those of you who read my column every Friday could relate in some way or another.

Now that I look back on my writing, I realize I wrote a lot about drinking, but hey, we’re college students right? Many of you probably had a laugh at my not-so-finest hours because I’m sure you’ve drunk yourself silly having the time of your life.

This semester has given my time to reflect on my many life experiences, and sharing them with you has been an honor and a privilege. It’s not every day that someone can share with an entire community their thoughts, opinions, feelings and life experiences. But I had the opportunity for sharing my life with you, and I took full advantage of it.

I am not above any one of you. I just so happened to have had a column where I usually asked for a call to action, and I hope you’ve learned some lessons from my experiences.

Remember: don’t drink and drive. It’s dumb. Also, it’s okay to break down. You’re human. And don’t take things for granted, because you never know when those things will be taken away from you.

Anything can happen. And not just negative things.

I’m a firm believer in the philosophy that if you have enough drive to complete something then nothing can stop you. We’re all college students with our whole lives ahead of us full of massive potential.


Although we do need to be thinking somewhat about future jobs and whatnot, have fun! Laugh out loud, get into trouble, and have the time of your life with friends you’ll never forget and always love.

Sometimes I think people take themselves too seriously, and sometimes I can be one of those people. But recently someone told me to just go with the flow and play things by ear, because making plans doesn’t always work out, which I’m sure all of you know.

So here is my last call to action to you: as cliché as it may sound, live your life to the fullest and have fun. Laughter is the best medicine…oh, and don’t make plans because God just laughs.

Thanks for letting me share my life with you this semester. Good luck!