Ransdell explains two-year housing requirement at SGA meeting

Taylor Harrison

Eliminating the requirement for students to live on campus for their first two-years may not be the best idea, President Gary Ransdell told senators tonight at the Student Government Association meeting.

The SGA was the only campus governing body to require removal of the on-campus housing requirement in order to pass its respective tobacco ban resolution. The University Senate passed the ban without the housing stipulation and the Staff Council voted against the measure.

In his first visit to the SGA this semester, Ransdell said the stipulation doesn’t necessarily work “from a business standpoint.”

There are still debts to be paid for dorm renovations, Ransdell said. Because of this, a certain amount of students must live in the dorms. Without the requirement, dorms may be too empty, Ransdell said.

After Ransdell spoke, SGA moved along to its usual business.

They organization voted on a resolution to sponsor a campus cleanup. The resolution was approved, and the Campus Clean-up is set for 3:30-5 p.m. Tuesday.