Constitution Week: Birthday Bash concludes week of events

Kevin Allen

It has been 244 years since the Constitution of the United States was signed, and Friday the political science department finished its 6th annual Constitution Week with a birthday bash for the founding document outside of Grise Hall.

There were humorous political pins and handouts that poked fun at both major parties, as well as free food and music, but the real point of the event was to raise political awareness, said Saundra Ardrey, head of the political science department and event organizer.


โ€œStudents are the future of our democratic society,โ€ Ardrey said. โ€œTo protect that society they must be aware of their rights and responsibilities.โ€

The turnout for this yearโ€™s Constitution Week events has been good, which was especially impressive to Ardrey because it isnโ€™t an election year.

Despite that, there was some political positioning from the College Republicans and the College Democrats, both of which helped set up tables during the bash.

For Greensburg senior Hunter Stevens, the president of College Republicans, the bi-partisan nature of the event is one of its strengths and important for the overall mission of improving participation in politics.

โ€œI think this is a great way to bring all the organizations together and really just saying, โ€˜You know what, we donโ€™t really care what you end up going as long as you actually do something,โ€™โ€ Stevens said.

The Birthday Bash is especially a good idea in the mind of College Democrats President Kevin Asbery, a senior from Casey County.

Asbery also agrees that greater participation is necessary, but he sees that most college students are turned off by the usual stereotype of politics. But, the Birthday Bash is a way to attract a wider base.


โ€œThe party helps bring in some people that would otherwise ignore it,โ€ Asbery said. โ€œIt keeps it a little fun and keeps people interested in it. Especially college students, theyโ€™re not really up for the dry, boring stuff.โ€

Glasgow sophomore Ashley Turner said there needs to be recognition from students about what fundamentally makes America what it is.

For her, that is the meaning of Constitution Week โ€” learning the core concepts that America was founded on.

โ€œIf you donโ€™t know what this country is based on, youโ€™re not going to really know what to vote for,โ€ Turner said. โ€œIf more people this age were involved I think weโ€™d find out it makes a bigger difference in what we get out of life.โ€