Committees vote against WKU faculty, staff Regent term limits

September 30, 2011
The Board of Regents committees on Friday voted not to impose term limits on faculty and staff Regents.
WKU’s Staff Council, University Senate and Student Government Association have each passed recommendations against such measures.
No other state schools have term limits on faculty and staff Regents.
Friday also marked the first meeting for new Regent Cindy Harris.
Other committees unanimously passed several action items including:
- Approval of WKU General Receipts Bond Resolution
- Approval of personnel actions
- Approval of graduate certificate in Adult Education
- Approval of Emeritus Faculty Appointments
- Approval of Resolution of appreciate for Ms. Yvette Haskins
- Approval of Resolution regarding WKU childcare consortium head start and early head start
Look for more on the committees meetings in Tuesday’s Herald.