Online fan survey gauges perception of WKU’s athletic department
May 19, 2011
Fans can now make their opinions known directly to the WKU Athletic Department.
WKU on Wednesday launched a fan survey on its official website,
The survey is hosted by Qualtrics, an online “survey research suite” which has done work with Apple, General Motors, Stanford University and a variety of other corporations and universities.
The survey first asks respondents to identify themselves as WKU alumni, season ticket holders, Hilltopper Athletic Fund members, faculty/staff members, students, corporate sponsors, and/or “friends” of the university.
Respondents select which athletic team’s events they have attended in the past year, then are asked to rate a variety of factors from those events, including ticket prices, game atmosphere and quality of non-conference opponents.
The categories listed are football, men’s and women’s basketball, and “Olympic” sports.
The survey’s final question asks respondents their overall perception of WKU Athletics, with the choices as “high standard of excellence,” “indifferent” and “needs improvement.”
Respondents are also asked their opinions of various in-game promotions, whether they “follow” or “like” WKU Sports on Facebook and Twitter, and what improvements they’d like to see made to
Near the end of the survey, respondents are asked about possible blackouts for WKU home men’s basketball games.
All games are now broadcast locally on WKYU and nationally on Fox College Sports, but there has been speculation that the university would begin blacking out home games in an effort to reverse declining attendance figures at Diddle Arena.
So far no such move has been made.
Respondents are asked whether or not they would be more likely to attend home men’s basketball games if blacked out or tape delayed in the local television market.
At the end of the survey, respondents are encouraged to enter a drawing for free club level tickets and a parking pass to WKU’s football opener against Kentucky at LP Field in Nashville.