COLUMN: Keeping the goodbye short and sweet

Zach Greenwell

We don’t always take a lot of time to reflect on things as reporters.

It’s kind of the nature of the job. It’s our duty to recreate the scene for everyone who didn’t see it like we did, instead of soaking it in for ourselves.


But as my time at both the Herald and WKU comes to a close, I finally get to take a look back.

I spent far less time here than most of my co-workers. I began at the Herald as a junior, which is most likely the reason why everyone I work with on a daily basis still seems suspicious that I’m graduating.

But believe me, it’s really happening. And I couldn’t have asked for a better two years.

I’ve been extremely fortunate during my time here to have a chance to prove myself and work on some of the top beats on the sports desk.

Those beats have allowed me to cover games in places  such as Lincoln, Neb., and Memphis, Tenn.

A football trip to Tampa, Fla., also allowed me to miss a flight for the first time, but if you want to hear that story for a laugh, come find me.

Everything about my time at the Herald has been serendipitous, as I was switched from swimming to women’s basketball during my junior year.


But I hope from there, I’ve shown that taking advantage of an opportunity and working hard will get you places. I will never lose the work ethic I’ve built here.

And now time for some thank you’s.

The first, as expected, goes to Bob Adams, director of Student Publications. I don’t think there’s any former Heralder who doesn’t feel like Mr. A has impacted their life, and I’m no different.

I’d also like to thank my editor for two semesters, Jonathan Lintner. I like to think Jonathan and I made a push to make the Herald more competitive and credible as a sports news outlet, and that’s something I look forward to watching continue to grow.

Thanks also go to the hard-working guys and gals in the WKU media relations office, as well as the local media, who become friends and mentors to the sports Heralders whether we’ll admit it or not.

Thank you to the coaches I worked closely with during my time here — Willie Taggart, Ken McDonald and Mary Taylor Cowles. For the other coaches here, I interacted with all of you at one point or another, and I truly appreciate everything you’ve done.

Thank you to my girlfriend Caitlin for pushing me to join the Herald two years ago. I honestly don’t know if I ever would have wandered over to Student Pubs if not for you.

And lastly, much thanks to family and friends for being understanding when this great place took up so much of my time. I promise, I’m about to have more time to share with you — maybe far too much time.


I’m not quite sure yet where I’ll go from here, except maybe straight to the unemployment line.

But I hope you all have enjoyed reading my stuff as much as I’ve enjoyed writing and reporting it.

I told you there would be a lot to reflect on — and that’s just two years.

But, they were incredibly special.