Student doesn’t carry cell phone

Glasgow junior Amelia Arritt waits for the bus outside Gary Ransdell Hall while Louisville junior Kasey Bishop texts on her phone Monday afternoon. Arritt is one of few students at WKU who chooses not to own a cell phone. “I just don’t really have a desire to carry one around all the time … If I really want to stay in touch with someone, I’ll go find them personally.”

Natalie West

In a world where there are iPhones, iPads and iEverythings, Amelia Arritt has iNothing.

The Glasgow junior has never owned and never plans on owning a cell phone – with the exception of the TracFone she keeps in her car in case of emergencies.

“It just isn’t a necessity,” Arritt said. “I could do something much more productive with my time.”

Arritt does have a laptop and Internet, though, only because she said it’s needed for school.

She has a Facebook page, too and said it’s the only way she can communicate with some people.

Arritt also has a landline phone in her dorm to talk to family, mostly because being in college made it a little difficult to be away from them, she said.

Above all, though, she said she prefers to talk face to face.

“People can ignore texts and emails, but not when you walk up to them,” she said.

Arritt said she felt that relying on technology for interaction is not always the best choice, as there can be mistakes and miscommunications.

“Relationships between people need to be human, not through a phone or Internet,” she said.

The only way to truly know a person is to spend time with them and to have actual human interaction, Arritt said.

As a nursing major, she said she visits the elderly, and she really enjoys talking with them because they understand the art of conversation and have a certain eloquence that people lack today.

“They don’t talk at you,” Arritt said. “They talk with you.”

And, with her profession, Arritt said being able to communicate effectively is a must.

“I wouldn’t want a robot taking care of me,” she said.

Arritt said she recently purchased the TracFone for her car, because she did see some value in having it for emergency situations.

“I don’t hardly know how to turn it on,” she said.

Arritt said the only real advantage of having a phone was if her car were to break down or if she were to go on a big trip, she said. Otherwise, Arritt said she doesn’t carry the TracFone around.

One time when her phone was actually on, she said it kept buzzing and she thought, “What is it trying to tell me?”

Arritt said she doesn’t feel like she is missing anything by not having a phone at all times and that it has never been a problem.

“I’m not bothered by constant annoying rings and vibrations,” she said.

Getting in contact with her friends isn’t a problem, either, Arritt said. She said she sees most of her friends every day in the nursing program, and she also goes to the WKU Wesley Foundation, the Methodist campus ministry, where she can talk to other friends.

Elizabethtown junior Lauren Bretz said she chats with Arritt at the Wesley Foundation once a week or she communicates with her through Facebook.

“It’s totally functional to do things without a cell phone,” Bretz said.

Another of Arritt’s friends, Albany senior Shelly York, said that she usually calls Arritt’s landline phone or posts on her Facebook.

“It sometimes takes a while to get a hold of her,” she said.

York, who studied abroad for a month in January and had to do without a phone, said it was hard for her to be totally disconnected.

Arritt said having a cell phone is a personal choice, and it doesn’t bother her if others have them.

Her pet peeve, though, is walking into a room of people where everyone is on their phone.

“It’s not good manners,” she said. “They have their place at the right time and right situation.”