MMTH packed for journalism lecture

Kevin Allen

Two icons of journalism presented their thoughts and experiences in the industry tonight at Mass Media and Technology Hall in “Living Journalism: An Evening with the Seigenthalers.”

The father-son journalistic duo John Seigenthaler Sr. and John Seigenthaler Jr. presented together on topics ranging from Seigenthaler Sr.’s experiences in the Civil Rights Movement to Seigenthaler Jr.’s coverage of the Sri Lanka tsunami.

Seigenthaler Sr. spent 43 years as an award winning journalist for The Tennessean, leaving journalism only twice, to serve with Robert Kennedy in the justice department and during Kennedy’s campaign. He later became the founding editorial director of USA Today.


Seigenthaler Jr. spent more than a decade as the anchor of NBC Nightly News Weekend Edition and has covered events such as 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina.

Having the well known journalists come to speak had an especially strong impact on Lauren Lorance, a freshman from Jerffersonville, Ind., who remembers watching Seigenthaler Jr. on NBC as a child.

“I always used to watch NBC as a kid and I remember seeing Seigenthaler around on Dateline and the Weekend Edition,” Lorance said. “It was so cool, I was kind of star struck.”

Check Tuesday’s Herald for more on this story.