SGA Notes: Off-campus housing site won’t launch this semester

Mike Stunson

At tonight’s Student Government Association meeting:

-Cory Dodds, Director of Information Technology, said the off-campus housing website will not be completed this school year. Dodds will continue working on the site during the summer.


-Kaylee Egerer, current campus improvements chairperson, won the election for next year’s Speaker of the Senate. Egerer defeated Daniel Shaw and Nathan Bishop.

-Weather-permitting, SGA members will take part in Campus Cleanup at 1 p.m. Wednesday.

-Administrative Vice President Wade Pierce found an additional $500 for organizational aid, which he put into the general senate funding.

-The senate approved a bill that allocates $500 to the Student Identity Outreach organization. The money will be used for a lunch sponsored by Aramark, advertising during Master Plan and supplies for their end-of-the-year banquet.

-Next week’s meeting will be the last senate meeting of the school year.