Performance offers a variety of dance styles

Kevin Allen

At the WKU Dance Company’s annual show “An Evening of Dance,” music ranges from Vivaldi to Britney Spears.

“Some of the work is slow and some of the work is very high energy,” said associate professor of dance Clifton Brown, who is the dance program coordinator and a choreographer. “Everyone loves a good variety of everything.”

That variety will be seen in this weekend’s performances, with pieces ranging from classical ballet to modern dance, Brown said.


He said all students should consider attending the show.

“When students graduate and you become a professional in whatever type of job you’re in, you’ll need to speak about other things beside your job,” Brown said. “So if you get taken to a ballet or any kind of performance, at least you can speak educatedly about it, which is really important in any professional setting.”

The event isn’t just about the audience, but also preparing the dancers for the professional world, said Amanda Clark, an assistant dance professor and one of the choreographers.

“This is their opportunity to finally show people what they have been working so hard to achieve,” Clark said.

Brown said this year in particular features several talented graduating seniors, allowing the company to perform pieces that they haven’t been able to produce in eight years due to their difficulty.

“And now I’ll have to wait another eight years,” Brown said, after watching “Speed,” one of the most challenging pieces.

Natalie Peak, a Louisville senior and one of the lead dancers, said she’s channeling the excitement of being so close to graduating into her performance.

“That’s my favorite part, each night getting closer and closer to the point I’ve been trying to get to since I was three years old,” Peak said.

Peak said she hopes students will attend the production and take away inspiration or a new idea that they wouldn’t have considered before.

“They don’t have to like it, they don’t have come back saying ‘that was the best thing ever,'” Peak said. “But to step out of their own comfort zones and maybe they’ll take something away personally.”

“An Evening of Dance” began yesterday and will be performed each night in Russell Miller Theatre in the fine arts center through Tuesday. It begins at 8 p.m. every night except Sunday, when it starts at 3 p.m. The cost is $10.