Stephens unopposed in WKU’s SGA presidential race

Mike Stunson

Billy Stephens was surprised to find out he was the only student who chose to run to be next year’s student body president.

Student Government Association elections will be March 29-30, with votes cast through TopNet. Candidates can begin their campaigning after an informational meeting on Tuesday.

“I was expecting another opponent or maybe even two,” Stephens said. “I got a call from (current SGA President Colton) Jessie and he said I was the only one running and I was excited but at the same time surprised.”


Stephens, the current director of academic and student affairs, said he will still campaign so he can inform students about SGA.

“I’d like to get out there and tell people of my platform and my goals,” he said. “I don’t want students not to know about that just because I am the only person running.”

Executive Vice President Kendrick Bryan said he was disappointed there were no other candidates running for the position.

“I am a huge fan of contested elections, but at least Billy was ambitious enough to file for the office.”

Bryan will be running for a third straight term as executive vice president and will face Katie Stillwell, current secretary of the student senate.

Bryan said he still feels like there’s work he can do in his position, even after two terms.

“I can still serve the student body and still feel like there is a lot I have to give,” he said.

Stillwell has been a part of SGA for two years but has never served on the executive branch.


“I have really enjoyed my time with SGA and I’ve worked really hard in the legislative branch,” she said. “I feel like I can be a big help on the executive side.”

The Executive Vice President position is the only position where more than one person will be running. Stillwell said she and Bryan are great friends and would remain as such no matter the results.

“I think Kendrick is really good competition,” Stillwell said. “He knows my strengths and I know his, so it should be an enjoyable race.”

Devon Hilderbrandt, the current organizational aid vice chair, is running unopposed for the Administrative Vice President position.

“He is a very capable candidate, but a school our size needs to have more contested elections,” Bryan said. “But it is a very demanding office, and he has the experience to take it over.”