SGA Notes: Election debate set for Wednesday; org aid runs out

Mike Stunson

At tonight’s Student Government Association meeting:

-President Colton Jessie announced that the Spring Election Debate will be at 7 p.m. Wednesday in the Downing University Center foyer outsider of the food court.


-Billy Stephens, Director of Academic and Student Affairs, said he is working on buying iPads for the Educational Resources Center. Stephens said he hopes students will use them for prep test book apps and other iBooks.

-Executive Vice President Kendrick Bryan said he hopes to implement a program where student seats for WKU basketball games during winter break can be donated to children groups and underprivileged youth.

-A resolution to support the creation of marketing on the WKU website was approved. Bryan said he would like to see SGA have two images to promote elections or other SGA projects during the year.

-The last organizational aid bill of the year was approved. A total of $6,450 will go to 13 organizations.