Student-directed musical coming next week

Kevin Allen

Students from the theatre department are presenting a musical of hope and second chances with “The Spitfire Grill” this Monday and Tuesday.

The performance is about a woman recently released from prison who moves to her dream town hoping for a new start, but finds it in social and economic decline, said Bowling Green senior Stephen Tabor, who is directing the performance.

Tabor said he thinks people will be touched by the story and the music.


“It’s very uplifting watching people deal with real problems,” he said. “I think the music and story will appeal very much to the people at this campus and in the community.”

The music in the performance is from the folk genre and will be performed live by a guitarist and pianist, Tabor said.

The cast has a great diversity in regards to age and experience, he said.

“It’s people our age putting on a show, and it makes it very rich,” Tabor said.

“The Spitfire Grill” will be Monday and Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the Gordon Wilson Hall lab theater. Admission is $5.