SGA votes tonight on DUC resolution

Mike Stunson

After months of debate, the resolution to support the Downing University Center renovation project will be up for approval at tonight’s Student Government Association meeting.

Campus Improvements Chair Kaylee Egerer said she is excited this part of the renovation project is coming to a close.


“I think everybody is just kind of past the whole thing,” she said. “Everybody is ready to implement the changes and put it on paper.”

President Colton Jessie said he doesn’t expect much debate at meeting about the resolution.

“Talking to people who have put the revisions together, they seem pretty positive about the bill,” Jessie said.

Renovations to DUC would call for a $70 student fee per semester until the debt is paid off, according to the proposed resolution.

The resolution first came to the senate in November, but when Jessie decided more student input was needed to continue, SGA tabled it until this semester. Since then, senators have viewed other universities’ student centers as well as having a campaign in DUC to spread the word about the renovation.

Egerer said the new resolution fixed problems and discrepancies the past resolution had.

“A lot of debate went on back in November, but by now the problems have been addressed,” Egerer said.


If the bill is approved tonight, head architect Jeff Stivers will then begin designing and drawing out how the renovation will look.

Egerer said construction will begin in the fall at the latest, but there is a chance it will begin in May.

“We will have to jump through the right hoops to be ready by May, but it is possible,” she said.