SGA donating test prep books to ERC

Mike Stunson

Future teachers will be getting some help thanks to a donation from the Student Government Association.

SGA approved a bill at its meeting last Tuesday to spend $495 on 30 Praxis Series test prep books. The books will be donated to the new Educational Resources Center in Gary Ransdell Hall.

The Praxis Series tests are taken by individuals entering the teaching profession for the certification process, according to


Executive Vice President Kendrick Bryan said he is excited for a partnership between SGA and the WKU Store for the books.

โ€œElementary Education is WKUโ€™s top major by enrollment, and I am glad that we are helping future teachers,โ€ he said.

There are two different Praxis Series tests students may have to take for certification. The Praxis I Pre-Professional Skills Test measures basic skills in reading, writing and mathematics, while the Praxis II Subject Assessments measures subject-specific content knowledge and specific teaching skills.