Big Brothers Big Sisters completes one of three “Bowl for Kids’ Sake” events this week

Kevin Allen

Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Central Kentucky got a strike Tuesday night with their annual “Bowl for Kids’ Sake” fundraiser to raise money and awareness about their organization.

Robin Pemberton, special events director for the organization said she hoped the event would encourage others to give support.

“It’s about raising money for a good cause,” Pemberton said. “All the money we make goes to our youth mentoring organization.”


From 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesday, teams of five who had each raised at least $150 bowled on the forth floor of Downing University Center.

Audrey Cornell, an assistant nursing professor, said she has encouraged her students to support the event since 2005 because of what the organization does for the community: influencing children in a positive way.

“It is very fulfilling to know that you’re helping someone,” Cornell said. “Making a differencing and hoping they’ll pass it on.”

Students said they felt inspired by the cause and were glad to support it, including senior Michael Hamilton from Memphis, Tenn.

“It gives me the opportunity to help someone else out, so they can do what they love to do,” Hamilton said.

Big Brothers Big Sisters is having another “Bowl for Kids’ Sake” event at Southern Lanes this weekend, Pemberton said.

On Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and on Sunday from 12:30 p.m. to 4 p.m., teams of five players can reserve an hour of play if they raise at least $30 per person, she said.

To reserve a spot, call (270) 781-1180 or for more information go to