Notes: SGA’s DUC renovations awareness campaign begins next week

Mike Stunson

At tonight’s Student Government Association meeting:

-Chief of Staff Charlie Harris said SGA will begin setting up shop in Downing University Center next week to talk to students about the renovation plans. SGA will be set up two sessions per day, and will also have open forums where students can go further in depth with SGA officers about the plans.


-Also discussed were problems with WKU’s Provide-a-Ride service, which is funded by SGA. President Colton Jessie said there have been delays with the service in picking up students. He is going to work on a plan to make the service better.

-Cory Dodds, Director of Information Technology, said he and Executive Vice President Kendrick Bryan are working together to set up an off-campus housing website that students can go to to look for housing. They are looking at other school’s websites across the country for ideas.

-Jessie said he was at University of Kentucky over the weekend for a student body president meeting. They went over the Rally for Higher Education, which will occur in March. Senator Katie Stillwell will be the keynote speaker for the event.

-Bryan said he is going to look into getting an SGA link on the “Current Students” tab on the new website.

-Jessie said he has spoken with Bob Owen, vice president of Information Technology, about adding copy machines in the library that can be used with the student printing quota.

-Bryan and senator Ketyana Boka will begin to work out the details for the syllabus transparency bill.

-The Judicial Council reported Kat Johns, Nick Hummer, Kyle Wright, and Ann-Blair Thornton have been removed from their spots as senators due to missing too many meetings.


-It was also reported that Emily Woosley, Eric Smiley, Kate Masterson, and Azlisya Ismael have resigned from their roles from SGA.

-Chad Winston, David Spalding and Brittany Crowley were sworn in as new senators.

-Natalie Broderick was named the new Student Affairs committee chair, and Travis Taylor was named the new Academic Affairs committee chair as both of their predecessors have graduated.