Notes: SGA reviews budget; hearing positive feedback on DUC renovations

Mike Stunson

At tonight’s Student Government Association meeting:

-Chief of Staff Charlie Harris said he has heard generally positive remarks and feedback about Downing University Center renovation plans. SGA is in DUC this week raising awareness about the project.

-Administrative Vice President Wade Pierce reviewed the up-to-date budget. The budget shows a total of $79,047.45 has been spent this year out of the $121,335 in their budget.


-Cory Dodds, Director of Information Technology, said he is in the process of building an off-campus housing website which SGA will host.

-The senate approved a bill that will allocate $500 for the funding of International Night, which will be April 22. The money was taken from general senate funding.

-Kateri Rhodes, Alex Wheaton and Joshua Rodriguez were sworn in as new senators for SGA. Daniel Shaw was appointed as the new Public Relations Committee Chair.

-Another bill was approved that will allocate $495 to purchase 30 Praxis series test prep books.  The books will be donated to the Educational Resources Center in Gary Ransdell Hall. This amount was also taken from general senate funding.