At tonight’s Student Government Association Meeting:
-Billy Stephens, director of academic and student affairs, said Thursday is the deadline for applications for the Hall of Distinguished Seniors.
-Public Relations Chair Ann Blair Thornton said Focus Fridays started last week. Focus Fridays involve weekly emails sent to Greek presidents informing them about the ongoings of SGA.
-Keyana Boka, of the Academic Quality Committee, said that at the latest meeting they discussed putting in a new system for professor evaluations as well as discussing the syllabus transparency bill.
-President Gary Ransdell and the head architect for the renovation of Downing University Center spoke to the senate about their plans for the project. They said students will help with decisions and be directly involved in the $49 million project.
-SGA passed a resolution that will allow the group to formally support the adoption of a policy that promotes online access to course information.
-A total of $3,150 was allocated from the scholarship fund to assist students in student research.
-A total of $3,500 was allocated from the scholarship fund to assist students participating in study abroad programs.
-Eleven organizations received $500 each from the Organizational Aid fund.
-Presidential appointments were approved for the Academic Quality Committee and the University Publications Committee. A new senator-at-large was also approved.
-SGA allocated $125 from the general senate funding to be used to help fund a Thanksgiving dinner in Pearce-Ford Tower.