SGA starts Focus Fridays with Greeks

Mike Stunson

The Student Government Association recently started Focus Fridays, during which they send weekly e-mails to Greek presidents, telling them about what’s going on with SGA.

The first e-mail was sent Nov. 12 and included key notes from the previous SGA meeting as well as information about what the group is currently working on.


Public Relations Chair Ann Blair Thornton, also a member of Chi Omega sorority, said SGA has lacked relations with Greeks in the past.

“Greeks are sometimes the students who are involved on campus the most, so we are trying to build a better relationship with them,” she said.

Executive Vice President Kendrick Bryan said this is the largest digital presence they have had with Greek organizations.

“This is the first time we have reached out through e-mail to show everyone what we do,” Bryan said.

Sigma Kappa sorority president Katie Stubbs said it’s good to know that SGA is reaching out to Greeks.

Stubbs said up until the new e-mail campaign, she felt SGA didn’t make much of an outreach to Greeks, and she didn’t always know what went on in their organization.

Thornton said that by sending out the weekly e-mails, Greeks will have a better understanding of what SGA offers, including organizational aid and the Provide-a-Ride service.


“Greeks aren’t always aware of what we do, and we can be a big service to them,” Thornton said.

Bryan said Focus Fridays will start with Greek organizations but will soon reach out to other student organizations too.

Bryan has high hopes for future interaction between SGA and the Greeks.

“I hope SGA and the Greek leaders can host a leadership summit next semester to discuss student concerns,” Bryan said.

Stubbs said both her sorority and SGA can benefit from each other.

“For us to be informed is a positive because we can help each other by going to each other’s events,” Stubbs said.

Thornton also believes that both SGA and Greek organizations can coincide.

“With Focus Fridays, we are trying to get our name out there so they can give us ideas,” Thornton said. “At the same time, we can help them out by possibly getting involved in their philanthropies.”
