LIVE BLOG: Mike Reynolds (Ky. Senate 32nd District)

Amira Ahmetovic

Above: Friend of Mike Reynolds, Shannon Morgan, offers words of encouragement during the race. JOSH MAUSER/HERALD

Follow the Herald’s coverage from victory headquarters all night long, from the time the first polls close until the winner is officially declared and everything in between.


8:09 P.M.  Reynolds has given his closing remarks and thanked his supporters.

“I’m not hurt. Nobody died. Nobody got hurt,” he said. “A lot of people worked hard.”

7:47 P.M. Reynolds has called Wilson to congratulate him for winning, but reached his campaign manager.

Unnofficial results from the Kentucky State Election Board aren’t in yet.

7:40 P.M. Reynolds: It looks like Wilson is up by a couple thousand votes in both counties. “It’s going to be hard to catch up.”

7:20 P.M. Reynolds’ supporters said he’s still behind in both Butler and Warren counties.

Kirby’s husband, Kim Kirby, Reynolds’ campaign treasurer, said he’s still “positive and optimistic.”


“It’s going to be close,” he said.

Mary Dale Reynolds, Reynolds’ wife, is nervous about the results.

(It’s) tense,” she said. “Ready to get it over with, watching it roll on television. He’s worked hard for the past two years.”

6:43 P.M. Reynolds’ election party has kicked off.

“I’m behind in the race,” Reynolds said. “It looks like the Republican agenda is moving forward and picking up seats everywhere.”

Martha Ann Kirby, whose husband works for the campaign, and Reynolds’ sister Laura Taylor said they’re “enthusiastically anxious,” and they think Reynolds would do a better job than his opponent, Mike Wilson. They said Reynolds is knowledgable, dedicated to Kentucky and “has values and principles.”

5:02 P.M. Sen. Mike Reynolds, D-Bowling Green, said he’s making an appearance at 6 p.m. at the Warren County courthouse to speak to representatives from WKCT. He’ll then head to his home to wait for the election results to come in.