SGA Campus Cleanup to take place next week

Mike Stunson

At tonight’s Student Government Association meeting:

-President Colton Jessie reminded the senate of SGA’s Campus Cleanup, which will take place next Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. He said this year they will have trash bags as well as recycling bags to help their efforts.


-Jessie also said he met with the Campus Activities Board to talk about bringing more entertainment to WKU in the spring.

-Jessie also said WKU football head coach Willie Taggart will be in the SGA office tomorrow at 11 a.m. to accompany Jessie with his weekly video update.

-Kendrick Bryan informed the senate of “Sweeter Deal,” a lecture put on by WKU’s chapter of Americans for an Informed Democracy. It will take place at 6 p.m. Friday in the Mass Media and Technology Hall Auditorium. He also encouraged the senate to attend Kappa Delta’s “Shenanigans” on Wednesday as well as WKU’s Homecoming concert on Oct. 28.

-Billy Stephens, director of academic and student affairs, said the priority deadline for SGA scholarships is this Friday. He also said he will be setting up SGA teams for both Relay for Life and Up ’til Dawn.

-Presidential appointments were approved for the university complaints committee, the general education committee and the food services committee.

-The second organizational aid bill of the year was passed. A total of $3,000 went to six organizations.

