SGA allocates money to several organizations
October 6, 2010
By Mike Stunson
At tonight’s Student Government Association meeting:
-Athletics Director Ross Bjork spoke to the student senate about the importance of athletics on campus. He said many people’s view of WKU is based solely on athletics, so it is important to show support for the teams.
-SGA President Colton Jessie reminded the senate of the annual Campus Cleanup, which will be held Oct. 19 at 3:30 p.m. They will meet at Centennial Mall and walk around campus picking up any trash they find.
-SGA Administrative Vice President Wade Pierce released an updated budget. A total of $18,930.29 has been spent this year, with $15,000 of that going toward the Provide-a-Ride service. SGA has a remaining budget of $94,404.71 for the year.
-SGA Director of Information Technology Cory Dodds unveiled the new SGA website on Friday and said he hopes to begin work on an iPhone version of the website.
-Eight different organizations received money from the organizational aid fund for a total of $3,955.
-The senate passed a bill giving $200 to the TRIO programs, which provide tutoring and support services for low-income students. They will use the money to buy a GPS, which will help students and staff in their travels across the country. The money was taken out of the general senate funding.
-An additional $250 was allocated to New Beginnings Therapeutic Riding, Inc. for their bicycle ride fundraise. The organization is dedicated to helping disabled individuals through alternative therapy. The money will be used to set up a water station, and the SGA logo will be placed on T-shirts at the event since they provided funding.