Emslie speaks to SGA

Mike Stunson

At tonight’s Student Government Association meeting:

-Gordon Emslie, provost and vice president for Academic Affairs, spoke to the senate about the expanding role of research at WKU, as well his thoughts on graduate students teaching undergraduate classes.


-President Colton Jessie said he has ordered 4,000 test-taking forms that are made of recycled paper.

-He also said SGA will have a tent on South Lawn for Homecoming this weekend.

-Executive Vice President Kendrick Bryan said Jody Richards and Brett Guthrie will both be attending Dine with Decision Makers on Dec. 7.

-Today’s Safety Walk was cancelled because of the weather and will be re-scheduled for next Tuesday.

-Christopher Jankowski was approved as as senator-at-large and Emily Woosley and Rachel Calhoun were approved as student alternates for the University Complaint Committee.

-A resolution was approved that will help improve the outreach to student organizations. SGA is hoping to improve communication with organizations on a consistent basis.

-$825 has been given to the political science department to financially support the student trip to the 2011 Conservative Political Action Conference in Washingon, D.C. A total of $500 will come from the scholarship fund while $325 will come from the general senate fund.


-Four students have been awarded scholar development grants of $250. The allocated funds will support the students’ conference attendance fees, equipment costs, travel expenses and other expenses relevant to their academic involvement.

-A total of $10,500 was given to 21 organizations from the Organizational Aid fund. Each group received $500.