Police taze man in Subway

Hannah Bushon

Correction: Due to Herald error, information in a previous version of this story was incorrect. The man police tazed was cited and released, not arrested. The Herald regrets the error.

Warning: Video at left includes strong language.


Witnesses said that at about 6 p.m., a man jumped the counter at the Downing University Center Subway to pursue one of the restaurantโ€™s workers.

The investigation of the incident is ongoing, said WKU police officer Johnny Vance, one of the several police officers who responded to the scene.

Police arenโ€™t sure if the man is a student. But witnesses said the man claimed to be a sheriff and was flashing a badge and a military ID.

Witnesses said the man pushed a manager before ripping the storeโ€™s phone from the wall. One video of the incident โ€“ caught on a cell phone โ€“ shows the man challenging bystanders to fights and betting one man $100 that he could โ€œtake him.โ€

Four men in the restaurant attempted to restrain the man before WKU police arrived. The video shows police asking the man to get on the ground, then tazing him.

Check wkuherald.com for continuing coverage on this story.
