Several appointments made at SGA meeting

Mike Stunson

At tonight’s Student Government Association meeting:

-SGA President Colton Jessie said President Gary Ransdell and Athletics Director Ross Bjork are among speakers for upcoming meetings. Ransdell will speak on Sept. 28 and Bjork will speak on Oct. 5

-Jessie also said there will be a pep rally on Friday for WKU’s home opener against Indiana. The rally will take place at 12:30 p.m.


-Austin Wingate, Speaker of the Student Senate, said the SGA fall retreat will take place on Oct. 2. The WKU Institute for Citizenship and Social Responsibility will be host the retreat.

-Administrative Vice President Wade Pierce said $255.48 has been spent on supplies for students such as Scantrons and blue books.

-Jessie spoke on behalf of the Senate Executive Committee and said the committee is working on setting a standard for transferring credits between universities in the state.

-Pierce appointed seven students for the Organizational Aid Board. These appointments were approved by the Senate.

-Wingate appointed a secretary and a parliamentarian, who were also approved by the Senate.

-Jessie’s presidential appointments for the University Senate, University Curriculum Committee and Senate Executive Committee were approved by the Senate.

-SGA passed a bill to fund the Topper Involvement Program. This bill will give $500 to TIP. This money will come from the general senate fund.

-SGA passed a bill to give $885 to the American Marketing Association.  The AMA will use that money to make 500 Koozies and 500 keychain bottle openers with phone numbers for the SGA and Provide-a-Ride on them. $400 of the amount will be taken from the general senate fund with $485 coming from the public relations budget.