Ransdell speaks to SGA

Mike Stunson

At tonight’s Student Government Association meeting:

-President Gary Ransdell spoke for about 40 minutes, letting the Senate know what he thought they could work on. He said he’d like to see SGA help improve tailgating, sustain the aesthetic character of campus and encourage use of WKU’s chapel. Ransdell said he is available for any help SGA may need.


-SGA President Colton Jessie said the SGA Campus Cleanup will take place Oct. 19. They will be picking up trash around campus as a part of Make a Difference Week.

-Jessie also said the SGA retreat will take place Saturday from 9 a.m to noon.

-Executive Vice President Kendrick Bryan said Josh Turner will perform at the Homecoming concert on Oct. 28.

-Director of Public Relations Jessi Wurth is creating posters for SGA and Provide-a-Ride to hang up on campus.

-Director of Information Technology Cory Dodds said the new SGA website will launch this Friday.

-Ann Blair Thornton, speaking for the Public Relations committee, said they will be starting Focus Fridays, where they will e-mail Greek presidents on Fridays to let them know what is going on with SGA in hopes they will pass on the information to their respective chapters.

-$500 was allocated to WKU AID to fund their Fair Trade T-Shirt Swap. On Oct. 20, students can trade in any of their T-shirts in exchange for a fair trade shirt-a shirt that was not made by underage children or in sweatshops.
