SGA gets ready for new year

Mike Stunson

Members of the Student Government Association used the summer as a way to brainstorm and prepare for the fall semester.

One upcoming project that SGA President Colton Jessie and other members are working on is forming a closer relationship with international students on campus.


“We had a dinner during the orientation for the international students to help them get accustomed to America and WKU,” Jessie said. “We want them to feel at home and like a part of campus.”

Other projects include planning a study away program where students can study in distant locations within the country and forming a closer bond with South Campus, he said.

“We are trying to reach out to South Campus,” Jessie said. “They are just a part of WKU, as is the main campus, so we will be setting up a forum to address their concerns.”

Earlier this summer, several members from the SGA executive board attended the Kentucky Leadership Academy at the Barren River State Park, Executive Vice President Kendrick Bryan said.

Each of the public universities in Kentucky brought members from their SGAs to the academy, where they exchanged ideas and built leadership skills, Jessie said.

He said his group was able to learn a lot that they will carry over to the new school year.

“It was good to see how other SGAs operate because they are all different,” Jessie said. “A lot of people were impressed with what we are doing, so it makes us feel like we were on the right track.”


In August, SGA members taught classes at MASTER Plan on diversity and time management.

“We had a lot of kids who were interested,” Jessie said. “They had a lot of fun, and we got to teach them some things they didn’t know.”

Bryan said he and Jessie have been hard at work reallocating the budget so they will have enough money for scholarship and study abroad programs. He said Gordon Emslie, provost and vice president for Academic Affairs, was a big help in working with the budget.

“He has been very approachable for us so far,” Bryan said. “He is an advocate of student opportunities, so we know he can help us if needed.”

Emslie said he is just trying to listen to concerns and help when needed.

“They have had a lot of good ideas, but there are some instances where I feel I could help, so I just try to dive right in and find the right spot for my services,” Emslie said.

Bryan said he and Jessie have been in daily contact, working on ways to improve the organization.

“We are both great friends with a lot of devotion to the SGA and the campus, so we are going to do everything we can to help make this a good year,” Bryan said.
