Letter to the Editor

Herald needs more ‘fun’ articles

Where have you gone? Where is the Herald that I once knew? I used to look forward to Tuesdays and Thursdays just because I knew I would have something interesting to read before class. In the three years I have been at Western, I have noticed a big change in how our school paper is put together. Where have all of the “fun” articles gone? Writers like Hollan Holm and Daniel Pike brought new perspectives to everyday activities in a very humorous way, while “What’s Your Story” introduced us to our peers. Why haven’t these sections of the paper been brought back this semester? Way back in the 2001-02 school year, the Herald even had movie reviews and horoscopes. I realize that budget cuts and the Student Government Association are important topics, but they aren’t the only things happening on this campus. If I see Ernie Fletcher’s picture on the front page again I might scream! The Herald is a highly awarded newspaper, let’s show the newest students to Western how it got that way.

Ann Carman

junior from Dayton, Ohio