Build larger parking structure

For Western students, the chances of finding a parking spot during the morning rush is becoming more likely.

The Board of Regents saw an updated plan for a $10 million parking structure on Friday. Under this plan, a new parking structure would be built between Smith Stadium and Diddle Arena by fall 2005 that would hold 824 cars.

This is a step forward; this parking structure will help cure some woes. It is also good that the newest version of the plan cut some green space to allow for more parking spots.

John Osborne, vice president of campus services and facilities, said Western could add two additional floors in the future for an additional 330 parking spots.

Western should go ahead and build the additional two floors now instead of making the decision later. At the rate Western’s enrollment has been growing in the last few years, it is likely that the university can use those parking spaces.

If the university can somehow find a way to fund it, which may be unlikely based on recent cuts, it should do it.

Building the floors would save time. It would also prevent students from having to deal with another eyesore. Students have had to wait months and years for dorm and facility renovations and had to deal with the campus being a constant construction zone. Anything the university can do to help provide a need for students quickly and comfortably should be considered.

This editorial represents the majority opinion of the Herald’s 9-member board of student editors.