Letters to the editor

Regarding latest Transpark news

In response to the “Transpark funding secured.” Jim Vance laughs as he says the proposed Transpark site is probably the most studied site in the U.S. This statement is hardly worth laughing at, because it is blatant misinformation delivered by a supposed community leader.

I worked for the Center for Cave and Karst Studies, hired specifically for the Transpark study. When I was hired, I remember Crawford saying he couldn’t hire me if I strongly opposed the Airpark. This suggested to me that the research was intended to be biased. I let it be known I would only report facts dealing with direct field observations.

The only research conducted directly on the proposed Transpark site consisted of walking the fields looking for Lost River Cave in the soil, walking the proposed runway cataloging dozens of sink holes near its path, and a microgravity study under the proposed road in the industrial park section. I suggested we install several monitoring wells at the site so we could take a look at the subsurface rocks and study the hydrology there. This was denied. So the Center for Cave and Karst Studies report is really of this region in Kentucky, not the actual proposed Transpark site. The study of the proposed Transpark site is barely more than a biased exploration.

Futhermore, Vance says the ITA is going to figure the cost-benefit analysis before they do an environmental impact study. How can you figure the cost before you know the environmental impact? I guess the ITA is saying they don’t care about our unique, fragile enviornment.

Mr. Vance, I see that you are grossly unqualified to make decisions that are going to affect the air, water, soil and biota in my community, and it is not funny at all.

Jake Schmitz

Smiths Grove graduate

Food long overdue

I found great interest in the article about the growth of the community college here at Western.

I found it great that President Gary Ransdell and interim Dean Reid want to provide food service to students taking classes there.

That is where the interest ended and the ire was raised. Mr. John Osborne’s arrogance is astounding. I am under the impression when your supervisor suggests an idea, it is your job to make it happen. While a feasability study is appropriate, to dismiss the idea upon mention is not.

I know you have the talent and ability to work with the parties needed to make this happen. It will not be easy, but you can do it Mr. Osborne.

Donald Fox

Nashville junior