Confusion abounds in PFT parking lot

Here’s one: How many Western parking officials does it take to screw in a light bulb? Well, if last week is any indication, the answer is apparently equal to the number it takes to send an e-mail. And unfortunately that number far exceeds one.

With the Pearce-Ford lot busting at already overcrowded seams last week, the decision was made, then revoked and then made (although modified) again to close the PFT parking lot for the weekend. As one of the biggest single parking locations on campus, the mere rumor of its closing for restriping struck many as puzzling. The indecision and various e-mail notifications left students confused and annoyed to say the least.

But the rush to judgment in deciding to close the lot was shocking considering those who made it hadn’t even viewed the lot at the time. But even that haste is somewhat understandable.

What is most perplexing about this situation is why did it even have to come to an 11th hour call in the first place? It’s not like this is a new thing. People hate parking issues on campus like little boys and girls hate eating their veggies.

So it raises the question that with all summer to repaint any and all the lines Western wanted to, why did it have to resort to doing it the first weekend after classes started? It’s not like there were any other construction projects going on all summer, after all. Not to mention that the issues of students being confused by parking lines could have been solved with a few friendly reminders by campus police in the beginning.

Or if that wasn’t the solution, why not wait until a more convienient break in classes. Fall break is coming up. So is Thanksgiving.

All we are talking about is maybe 50 cars here. To read the e-mail sent to students, you would have thought somebody had parked in President Ransdell’s space or something.

It is commendable that Western officials saw a problem and wanted to do its best to offer a solution. That is an attitude students and faculty need to keep seeing more of in the future. But the indecisive and cavalier manner in which this parking situation was carried out doesn’t need to be repeated.

Parking issues have never been as easy as changing lightbulbs, but for once this problem was. And it was made entirely too hard.

This editorial represents the majority opinion of the Herald’s 10-member board of student editors.