The Dawn of Spring


It’s time for class under the trees, hackey sack and Frisbee in the Valley. Tank tops can come out of hiding, and sweaters can be put back in storage. You can almost smell the hamburgers on the grill. Baseball fans cheer at the crack of the bat, and games last past sunset. Soccer players dust off their practice shoes as the football team gets ready for the Red and White scrimmage. April showers are a welcome relief from winter snowflakes. Even the walk up the Hill doesn’t seem quite as bad when the sun is shining. People are back on front porches, and afternoons are spent anywhere but inside. Daydreaming runs rampant, but finals creep closer. Days are longer, smiles are brighter and going barefoot is the best thing in the world. It’s spring on the Hill, and it’s good to be green again.

Erica Walsh


Shannon Guthrie/Herald

Nashville sophomore Chris Cohen scores a goal during Lacrosse practice at Smith Stadium Monday. Coach Ryan Frockt said he is looking for more players to add to the 15 member team this season, its first official season. The team is 0-4 but hopes to change that this Sunday at Smith Stadium. “Lacrosse is the fastest game on two feet,” Frockt said.

Brian Leddy/Herald

Melissa Robinson, a sophomore from Little Rock, Arkansas, juggles a soccer ball Monday afternoon at Smith Stadium.

Shannon Guthrie/Herald

Junior Kristen Cook and senior Brad Dipasquale, both of Nashville, lounge in the sun. “The sunshine brightens our mood,” Cook said. “Even though Brad is already my sunshine.” The couple has dated for five months.

Henrik Edsenius/Herald

Georgetown freshman Michael McKinney grills hamburgers at the Gilbert Hall Luau on Wednesday afternoon.

Shannon Guthrie/Herald

“Climbing is moving meditation,” said Matt Page, a senior from Brentwood, Tenn. “Everything else falls away.” A sixth year climbing veteran, Page boulders on a problem called “Tick March” yesterday at Clifty Hollow in Bowling Green.

Shannon Guthrie/Herald
In the past, Native Americans believed that when the dogwood tree blooms, it was time to plant corn. These dogwood blossoms in front of Smith Stadium signify the final arrival of spring.
Amber Sigman/Herald
Florence freshman Josh Jones gets carried off by Scottsville junior Ben Hagan and Harrodsburg freshman Megan Williams as he portrays a wounded soldier in a script for a drama writing class. “It’s a great opportunity to be able to develop your skills when you audition,” Jones said.
Nathaniel Corn/Herald
Nashville freshman Kristin Brooks, occasionally dodging Frisbees, works on an English paper with Bowling Green freshman Jared Holder yesterday outside of Gilbert Hall.