Letters to the editor

The first three letters are responses to Jason Stella’s letter titled “Columnist misunderstands Iraq situation,” which appeared in the Tuesday, Feb. 11 edition of the Herald.

Bush just as dangerous

What Stella calls a “piece of feminist, left-wing propaganda that ran in the Herald” is, in all fairness, an ecological view of the impending war between Iraq and the United States that was written by a campus activist.

What about it was feminist? If anything, it was humanist. The essay teems with the importance of respecting human life.

To my knowledge, I thought that was something that even a conservative would think important.

Stella said, “In the last election in Iraq, Saddam Hussein won 100 percent of the vote. There is a reason for that — no other candidates are allowed to run.”

Tell me, how successful was Ralph Nader in his charge to be allowed to even debate the Republican and Democratic candidates in the last U.S. presidential election?

And when Stella said, “We have tried diplomacy with Saddam Hussein for the last 10 years. It has gotten us nowhere,” I feel that he is neglecting to mention the kind of “diplomacy” we have used has cost the lives of 500,000 Iraqi children for lack of medicine and food.

Finally, Stella said, “We are dealing with a madman who has weapons that could destroy thousands.”

I agree.

And I’ll bet that Stella helped vote him and his vice president, Mr. Cheney, into office.

Sam Stinson

Bowling Green senior

Feminism represents all people

Feminism is leftist, radical and liberal. Plus, it’s equality-centered, progressive love and support of humankind — of which Stella is a member.

Glorioso’s commentary raised concerns about how the United States wishes to superimpose its belief system on others. How, through the desires of one man, the United States has the power to annihilate a way of life for a group of people. And how, by failing to dissect information into bite-size bits, one may end up choking.

Her message encouraged us to ruminate the issues at hand and seek out facts, not just passively accept mouthful after mouthful of waste.

We are aware that Iraqis cannot speak for themselves. We are aware of reports of the biological and nuclear threat.

We are also aware of reports that reveal other motives for war: oil and increased U.S.-occupied territory and power.

Should we destroy a country because our leader says we must? Iraq has no missiles capable of reaching the United States. And why now, when our allies hesitate to side with the United States?

“You’re either with us or against us,” President Bush said. That statement left no room for conscious, lucid thought.

I suggest Stella take a women’s studies course. The world might be a better place because of it.

Stella called feminism a “phony allegiance to equal rights.” But feminism fights for equal rights for all humans.

In a way, Stella’s right. We are dealing with a madman: a subtle, power-happy, oil-blinded man whom we call President.

Trish Jaggers

Women’s Studies

Western Kentucky University

Stella resorted to ‘third grade name calling’

What surprised me most about Stella’s response was not his hostile and immature reference to Glorioso’s article as left-wing feminist propaganda — which obviously shows he knows nothing about feminism or left-wing politics — but rather his lack of an intelligent argument against Glorioso’s ideas.

Since Stella obviously did read her letter, he should have seen that she did a lot of research to make her well-supported argument.

My advice to Stella is that if he is going to challenge the issues raised by Glorioso, not only does he need to rise above third grade name calling, but he also might want to consider joining the rest of the adult population and developing some maturity and respect.

The next time Stella wants to challenge an educated, well thought out argument about the issues in Iraq, he might want to do a little more research beyond a 200-word article in USA Today.

The next time he writes a letter like the one in Tuesday’s paper, he might want to consider actually having something to say.

Aubry Garmon

Bowling Green sophomore

United States should back off

I have tried to sit back and not say anything about the impending war in Iraq. Now, I feel that I have to open up and say something.

The United States needs to back away and reconsider what it is about to do, because this war is only fueled by two things: prejudices and resentment due to the fact that the first President Bush couldn’t contain Iraq.

Iraq used to be a beautiful country with an educational system that would rival ours and a great economy. But now, after the United States put sanctions on it, Iraq has nothing but broken dreams and a shattered economy.

I do not agree with the way Saddam Hussein runs his country, but that is not for me or for the United States to decide. The belief that someone is wrong for not believing in Christian values or in democracy is no reason to bomb a place.

Please, George, before you go and bomb an already devastated country, look into solving your own country’s starving children, homeless veterans and economy, which is falling fast.

Scott Jaggers

Smiths Grove junior

Students shouldn’t be forced to switch rooms

I am writing to express my anger and frustration with the Housing Office.

Two weeks ago, my roommate decided to move in with a friend here in Poland Hall, leaving me with a private room. I had nothing to do with her decision.

However, the Housing Office has notified me that they will be consolidating those of us who do not have a roommate and have not paid for a private room.

I believe this is extremely unfair. I may have to move out of the room I have inhabited since August.

If we do not find another roommate by Feb. 11, they will pair us up and flip a coin to determine who will move into the other’s room. If we fail to go to the meeting, we will be forced to pay for a private room.

First, it is not our fault our roommates are not here anymore. Why is it our responsibility to go to a meeting, find a roommate and possibly change rooms? Second, it’s not right that we may be forced out of our rooms to perhaps another floor with an RA we are not accustomed to.

I realize that I have not paid for a private room and that I am not entitled to one. And if Housing wants to give me a roommate, fine. But I refuse to move. I refuse to waste my time at a meeting, and I will not be forced to pay for a private room!

Cassie Alfrejd

sophomore from Hendersonville, Tenn.

Some students need education in parking

I think the most brilliant people on campus are the ones who take night classes at Tate Page Hall.

I hope you feel smart. I promise that’s what I called you when I sat behind you through several lights while you waited for your coveted parking space.

You definitely aren’t winning any awards for critical thinking. While you sit blocking the intersection, do you ever look over and see the empty lot not even a block away?

I bet you do. It’s probably where you go when you see that the Tate Page lot is full. While you waste 15 minutes blocking cars to Chestnut Street, you could park there and make it to class in the time it takes to block just one green light.

You make yourselves late for class, not to mention those of us caught in your nasty trap.

I’ve seen cars waiting for Tate Page backed up all the way down to the other lot. Now that is brilliance in rare form.

Is it worth waiting for a space you probably won’t get, just to avoid walking half a block?

I could have made it home in the time it took me to drive around campus to get away from you. I don’t understand how they can guard that lot like Fort Knox, yet nobody seems to care when six people block an intersection.

You guys are great. I’m sure that’s what the people stuck behind you will be saying tonight.

Hope you get your spot.

Wendy Tabor

Bowling Green senior