Crime reports


•John Stanley Howard Jr., Morgantown, was charged Sunday with driving under the influence and disregarding a traffic control device. He was released the same day from Warren County Regional Jail on a $500 unsecured bond.


•A fire alarm was reported in McCormack Hall Wednesday at 10:23 p.m. The Bowling Green Fire Department discovered burnt food in a third floor microwave and cleared the scene at 10:37 p.m.

•Darlene S. Sears, Boxmasters Construction Company, reported Friday a fax machine worth $300, a telephone worth $20, a briefcase worth $40, and a leaf blower worth $34, all stolen from a trailer at the old Bowling Green mall.

•The mother of a juvenile reported Saturday an assault of her child in Diddle Arena.

•A fire alarm was reported in Schneider Hall Saturday at 7:44 p.m. BGFD discovered burnt food in a first floor kitchen and cleared the scene at 10:25 p.m.

•Campus police officer Lee McKinney reported damage of $20 Saturday to a parking meter on Alumni Drive.

•Rodney Hull, facilities management, reported an arson Monday. At 7:15 a.m. Monday, Debbie L. Gross, building services attendant, discovered that someone tried to set fire to a Styrofoam room tag at Northeast Hall. Natasha Sevco, one of the room’s occupants, said it happened between Feb. 19 and Monday. Hull estimated $200 damage to the door and carpet beneath the door.

•David Hargis, Franklin, reported a gym bag worth $40 and textbook worth $49.50 stolen from the fourth floor of Downing University Center.

•A fire alarm was reported at 5:56 p.m. Monday in Gilbert Hall. BGFD discovered burnt food in the first floor kitchen and cleared the scene at 6:14 p.m.

•Jordan R. Slaughter, Shive Lane, reported Monday his parking decal worth $25 stolen from his car parked in the Shive Lane lot.