Movie Reviews

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I have a little something to say about your movie criticisms. The first time I read one of your reviews, I will admit, I laughed. I even agreed with you. Then I read another one; funny thing is that I agreed with you once again. NOW, after reading this weeks’ reviews, which are both movies I have not seen, I disagree with you. On tuesday, you bashed Abandon, giving it a D-. You revealed the entire plot to the campus population, and ruined everyones chance to see for themself. Today, you roasted Jackass, giving it an F. And all i have to say about that is DUH! I have really figured out your problem. The fact is that you are biased in your choices of movies to review. There are plenty of good movies in theaters right now that you have not taken the time to look at. What about movies like Tuck Everlasting, or White Oleander? Or how about a movie that would have been appropriate for the week of Halloween, like Ghost Ship, or The Ring? Then of course there is Sweet Home Alabama, and Jonah: A Veggie Tales Movie. So what’s my point? My point is that you need to be positive for a change, and the only way you can do that is if you go to a movie that even looks good. Please, Stop printing the obvious.