Kentucky State locker room looted during game

Joe Lord

Some Kentucky State University football players lost more than a game this weekend.

Six KSU players reported a total of $825 in stolen cash and compact disc players from the Smith Stadium visiting team locker after Saturday’s game.

Capt. Eugene Hoofer said campus police are investigating the theft, but do not have any suspects.

The locker room’s front door was locked during the game, which began at 5:30 p.m., Hoofer said.

“Evidently, there’s a back door,” Hoofer said.

Brad Pittman, facilities director for athletics, said Kentucky State was issued a main entrance key after they arrived on the Hill at about 3 p.m. The locker room’s back door is usually kept locked.

“I locked it personally earlier in the day, because I usually do a sweep,” Pittman said.

An off-duty campus police officer was assigned to guard the locker room main entrance during the game, but did not have access inside, Pittman said.

KSU representatives could not be reached for comment yesterday.

BEGITALReach Joe Lord at [email protected].