Discover Fest introduces students to campus organizations
Members of WKU Disc Golf Club Michael Netherton, Aaron McGillivray and Ryan Messenger (left to right) man an information table to drum up student interest at Discovery Fest on Tuesday afternoon.
September 7, 2021
Discover Fest invited students to South Lawn to discover different student organizations on campus on Sept. 7.
Students were given the opportunity to see the organizations, departments and outside campus activities that allow for student involvement at WKU. Booths included those representing club sports, major-specific organizations, greek life, and general student activities.
“Discover Fest provides opportunities to learn more about registered student organizations and what they have to offer,” Amelia Kolb, a graduate student in student affairs in higher education who helped organize the event said. “This is a way for students to show what they’re a part of.”
The main goal of Discover Fest was not only to show off organizations students have previous interest in but to help expand these interests, even if it may not seem like it fits their major.
“We’re from the Dean’s counsel of PCAL, the student ambassadors, and basically we just want to tell people about what we do,” Bridget Beavin, a junior political science and history major said. “It’s a great college community, and we encourage everyone to get involved with PCAL, even if it’s not your major.”
Not only did Discover Fest intend to benefit first-year students, it encouraged student involvement from all classes.
“I wouldn’t have known about any of the clubs here without it,” Lauren Havener, a sophomore elementary education major said. “It’s been really helpful to just see all of them.”
Compared to events held last year, many more opportunities to get to know campus activities became available to students.
“This is a lot better than last year, where I pretty much didn’t know any of the organizations or groups on campus,” Sierra Lemos, a sophomore business major said.
News reporter Alexandria Anderson can be reached at