WKU offers several classes to peak students’ interests

Allie Hendricks

Above is a photo illustration of a student’s desk. The last day to add or drop a full semester course is a week after the start of classes. This means for the spring 2022 semester, the last day to register or drop classes is Jan. 25, 2022.

Makaio Smith, News reporter

While class for some students looks like carrying textbooks through Cherry Hall, for others, classes look like trips to Comic-Con while studying pop culture’s role in society.

WKU offers interesting courses each semester. Every department has their own courses that are unique to the department and offer a new way to learn something that correlates within the subject. 

Guy Jordan is an associate professor of art history. He said Art 390 is his favorite class to teach.


I most look forward to teaching Art 390: Contemporary Art. I teach this course every spring, but it’s always a different course because the art world is always changing,” Jordan said.“It’s just a lot of fun to teach a course that can respond to the world almost in real time and remain vibrant and—well—for lack of a better word, contemporary.”

Another interesting course offered at WKU is Pop 201: An Introduction to Popular Culture. This course is offered by the department of communications. Anthony Harkins, who is the interim department head of communications, explains the contents of the course.

“This is a serious but fun introduction that helps students understand the role popular culture plays for them and our society by providing a framework for analyzing the culture of everyday life,” Harkins said. “They write blog posts on their experiences with pop culture, work in groups on picking a pop culture ‘artifact’ to research and interpret, and even have a class field trip to the Lexington Comic-Con in March.”

This course is taught in the spring by Joe Hoffswell and it counts for a colonnade credit. This course is a great way to have hands-on learning about cultures.

The Department of Criminology and Sociology are offering multiple fascinating courses next semester. One of these courses is new to WKU as Holli Drummond, head of criminology and sociology, said the course is called Crimmins 432: Sociology of Criminal Law.

“Sociology of Criminal Law is an investigation of the inequalities to the legal process and legal system,” Drummond said. “It’s offered for the first time by a full time faculty in 8 years.”

News reporter Makaio Smith can be reached [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter @MakaioSmith