The WKU Budget Executive Committee recommended a 1.19% increase in tuition to the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education, according to the meeting agenda for the Board of Regents’ May 5 quarterly meeting.
According to the university’s cost of attendance calculator, the current tuition rate for in-state undergraduate students is $10,992 per year, or $5,496 per semester. An increase of 1.19% would push the yearly rate to $11,123, or $5,561 per semester.
According to the agenda, The fiscal year 2023 budget marks WKU’s “full transition to the Resource Allocation, Management and Planning budget model.” The Budget Executive Committee, the Operating Allocation Committee and the Capital Allocation Committee “are all components of RAMP.”
The agenda states that the recommended increase to undergraduate tuition rates complies with the CPE’s tuition and mandatory fees ceilings and policy.
“Increasing tuition is never taken lightly, however, in a time of rising costs and inflation the Committee recognizes that the institution must consider an increase,” the agenda states.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, inflation in the US increased by 8.5% in the 12 months ending March of 2022.
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