Kaois Dance Team and WKU NAACP to host series of sexual health awareness events

Herald Archives

“Kaois” Dance Team member Marissa Williams dances down the hill towards E.A Diddle Arena during the ISEC homecoming parade on Friday, Oct. 9th, 2020. “I have always loved to dance and with us as a team being so family oriented it just means a lot,” Williams said.

Madison Carter, News reporter

The second Monday of September marks the beginning of Sexual Health Week each year. 

In honor of the week, Kaois Dance Team and the WKU NAACP chapter are hosting events from Sept. 12-15 to teach about safe sex.

The event is meant to bring awareness to sexual health for college students and help students find the resources they need to stay safe, Bremonte Carpenter, founder and director of Kaois Dance Team, said. 


The inspiration for the event came from Talysia Downing, WKU NAACP chapter president and Kaois Dance Team director of community and outreach. 

Flyer provided by WKU Kaois Dance Team.

“Part of our mission statement is build, support, create and dance, so we wanted to kind of advise students about the importance of sexual health,” Carpenter said. “We partnered with NAACP because we really wanted to target minority students because most of our organizations are minority students, so we wanted to make sure we created a space for them to become aware.” 

Monday’s event was a “Netflix & Chill Basket Raffle” which included a Netflix gift card, Domino’s gift card, condoms and sexual health pamphlets.

Tuesday’s event will be located at room 3024 in the Honors College and International Center from 7-8:30 p.m. and will include a “Safe Space Panel” teaching information on safe sex and answering questions from students. 

Wednesday will be a “Battle of the Sexes” debate where groups of different genders will be able to discuss the topic of gender roles. It will be located in HCIC room 3024 from 7-8:30 p.m.

The final day of  Sexual Health Week is the “Sexual Health Fair” on Thursday from 12-4 p.m. at the Downing Student Union courtyard. Speakers at the event will be talking about hygiene practices, and there will be bags with hygiene and sexual health products being passed out. 

“A lot of people think that because we’re a dance team we just dance, but we want to make sure we bring awareness to these causes because it’s very important, especially being in college,” Carpenter said.

News reporter Madison Carter can be reached at madison.carter312@topper.wku.edu.